About LBIN
Founded in November 2022, Lanark Basic Income Network (LBIN) is a group of citizens who promote basic income as an essential pillar for ensuring personal, family, and community resilience, boosting local economies, and building an equitable society for all.

We want to live in a place
in which prosperity for all is a core value, and in which the purpose of economic life and public service is to promote the health of people, families, communities and the environment.
We want to live in a place
We want to live in a place in which the social and economic rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are honoured and upheld.
And we want to live in a place
where basic income is one of the essential pillars of social and economic security.
LBIN is an unincorporated, not-for-profit organization. A written Constitution articulates our mission, structure, fiscal year, and other basics of organizational set-up.
Our mission is to advocate, within and beyond Lanark County, for a Basic Income Guarantee in Canada, ensuring that people have financial stability and security to meet their basic needs and support their participation in society. LBIN strives to educate and engage with communities, decision-makers, and stakeholders to help realize this future.

A 7-member Steering Committee guides the work of LBIN. Our Outreach Committee leads efforts to raise awareness about basic income, to encourage citizens to join LBIN and engage in our activity, and to build relationships with allied organizations. Our Political Advocacy Committee leads contact with and advocacy to municipal (Lanark County), provincial (Ontario), and federal elected officials.
LBIN networks with other basic income groups across Canada, including the Ontario Basic Income Network, Basic Income Canada Network, Basic Income Youth Collective, and UBI Works.